Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This is American Idol!

Couldn't resist! My all time favorite show and I haven't missed a season! I am loving it now because I have 2 little girls to watch it with! Jesse has always hated the show (or at least he pretends to). It's funny, Kelsi and Kaitlyn shout out "she's not modest!" to practically every girl contestant. That could be an entirely separate post. In order to get them to wear an undershirt one time I gave them a little modesty lesson. Now, whenever we see anyone in a tanktop they point and shout, "they're not modest!" Fabulous...they're learning early I guess. Still, we love it! I am so glad that David Hernandez is GONE - was not a fan! Kelsi likes the "tatoo lady" and Kaitlyn likes the girl from Mesa because she looks pretty. So we have our favorites and look forward to watching it every Tues/Wed.


SunGood said...

Ha Ha too funny! You know Jesse is just putting on a front, deep down I know he's all about it! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Everyday Maggie says she wants to watch American Idol, good thing we have it on DVR!! Her wish is granted, love that. Dave is possibly our biggest fan here at our house, Jesse you can be a man and enjoy it :)

Jenn Toon said...

Sounds like a blast! I laugh most of the time but loving the little David on the show - he's gotta win! :)

Brandis said...

My kids don't care too much except that Ashtyn likes to dance to the music (big surprise). I'm not a huge David Hernandez fan either but I thought the rock & roll chick should have gone first since she can't actually sing, just make noise. Anyways, fun stuff. We tried to call you Monday to see if me & the kids could hang out while Donny got his teeth cleaned but Jesse said Kelsi had a recital or something. One of these days, right? :)

Shelley Goodman said...

This has been the best season! I am torn on who should win...too many good ones!

gena said...

We LOVE american idol...including Trevor and the boys. You can tell Jesse it's ok to admit that he likes it:) We've had the modesty discussion, too. It's quite funny hearing those comments from boys:)

Kirsten said...

Are you not private anymore? I've been meaning to email you since I saw that you went private so you could add me but then when I clicked on your link from Mary Anne's blog, it let me in. So add me to your invites if you private again. It's fun keeping up with the cousins I never get to see :)

Sarah Williams said...

dude, your pimping out your blog-I love it! tell lindsay I reffered you I save like $10. If you refer people she'll take some off your price also! Good deal.

Rachel Stewart said...

Jesse needs to come out of the closet. :) Kent likes to watch, but we only seem to watch when there isn't a Suns game on or during halftime. When are we going to go play?

Breanna and Martin said...

Oh that makes me smile/laugh/chuckle all at the same time. They are the best! I love that they have learned that lesson :-) AND I love American Idol! I need to come over and watch it because I miss it half the time!

Rachel Stewart said...

I am seriously wondering when we are going to get a new post!

ashley said...

hey kristen... it's ashley (farmer) fuller and I just wanted to say hello! Your girls are so darling! and i am loving american idol too. My 4 yr old has to watch it with me too!
Leave me your email and I will send you an invite!

Clay's gal said...

Hey Cuz! I am so glad you are a blogger too! Now we can keep in touch in between the Reed rocket fests! Your little 3 girls are soooo ADORABLE! We will have to get them together with my 3 little boys to play sometime. It was good to see you and your fam!

I am an American Idol fan as well! Luckily Clay is to. I have even gotten him to watch the Batchlor with me on occasion! Shhh don't tell anyone!JK!!

We will see you soon at the wedding!

Clay's gal said...

What was Meagan's blog address again???

Reese & Christi Jones Family said...

Hey Kristen I love your blog. Your girls are so cute and I love their dresses. Girls are the best. It was fun seeing you at Sunni's!