Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More Deep Breaths!

Oh my goodness! I have been without the internet for almost a month! Thanks mom for bringing my computer back to life!! I couldn't have done it without you!! Actually, I didn't do any of it - my mother did! One handed even (she broke her shoulder a few weeks ago). Seriously, my mom is amazing - a totally separate post, one that I will definitely write later :)
So...if you are a computer idiot like myself, you have never bothered to put a virus protection on your computer. It's embarassing to admit, I just never got around to it. My mom told me that cox has one for free even! Did I listen??? NO! I have had to reboot my entire computer, which basically means delete everything!! Pictures, emails (I had over 600 saved!), documents, MUSIC!! - EVERYTHING! It's kind of liberating in a way :) It took a while to save everything on CD's (and my mom's laptop) but now I am up and running!!

1 comment:

amy said...

So glad you're back at it! I love reading about your life and your family. And yes, you have been so busy! I've learned the older my kids get the more out of control my life is!