Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slimey Witches Brew

Kelsi is singing a song in school called "Witches Brew". We decided to make some on Sunday .{with 3 o'clock church we have to get creative to pass the time} It was so fun - we basically just layered jello in a clear glass and added gummy worms and fruit snacks (bugs). They didn't end up eating much of it...the fun was in watching it set up, adding the second layer of jello and putting the bugs in.


The Herberts said...

You always have fun ideas. I'm sure Austin would love it! Miss you guys!

Sassy said...

You are a GREAT mom! That definately looks like something kids would absolutely love....and true with sunday blocks like that you do have to get creative...very cute idea!

tyler family said...

I LOVE the picture a few posts back with you & Jesse on Halloween. Funny! I can't wait to see the pics from this year! Too bad I didn't see the slimy witches brew earlier...maybe I will make it for a treat sometime anyway. Wish we lived closer to you guys, I think our kids would have fun together :)

Mary Anne said...

Oooh scary! What a fun mom you are to do things like that. Your girls are so lucky. And that picture of Kennedy below is so so sweet. Gotta love a sleeping baby!

P.S. I looked for pumpkin spice kisses and couldn't find any! I was a little upset.

SunGood said...

Cute idea! Don't even try to say you aren't creative girl! I emailed you those pics I promised ya!!

cindykaye said...

You are such a good mom Kris! Your girls are lucky to have you. And yes it is fun to be a grandma. (Even when I have to chase Kennedy around as she climbs on everything in sight!) :)