Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Time....

There comes a point with all of my children where I just can't rock them to sleep anymore...for my own sanity. Sadly, it's that time for Kennedy :( Today was the first time I put her in her crib awake for her nap. Remember that cute swing that I posted about a while ago?? She's still been napping in that. It was great! Swing + Bottle = Sleeping Baby! Well, now she won't go right to sleep and ends up hanging halfway out of it trying to get loose. I shouldv'e taken a picture, it was quite funny.
So to ease my guilt I bought this wonderful musical aquarium ( the pic is SO decieving!!) It makes me feel less guilty leaving Kendi in her crib, but I think she could care less!! About 15 min of screaming (it felt like 525,600 minutes! haha) she finally gave up and when to sleep.

I have to say, that is one of my favorite sounds. Screaming and then silence! The silence of my sleeping Kennedy learning to fall asleep all by herself!


Shelley Goodman said...

You are making me feel like a bad mom! I first thought you were pregnant again when I saw a picture of a baby and then the title "it's Time...". Ya for you and hopefully nap time goes well

Brandis said...

I'm so with you on that one. I keep telling myself that I need to break some of the bad bedtime habits that I've gotten into with Kaida but I'm torn between doing what's easier for me (and works!) and what is probably better for Kaida. We had to quit using the swing about 3 months ago because Kaida could reach the bars & would grab on and stop the swing from swinging. I can't believe they're about to turn 1!!!

Brandis said...

PS Happy 1st Birthday to Kennedy tomorrow!!! It's gone by WAY too fast!