Monday, February 18, 2008

I am going private

Sadly, I have had to make my blog private :( A couple of inappropriate comments from people I don't even know, with nothing better to do, made the decision easy for me. I've loved catching up with people through my blog and I hate finding someone I know, only to find myself "uninvited" to view their blog. But now I totally understand why and I could go on and on about the lame, idiotic people out there who ruin it for the rest of us!

:) Love to all! :)


Sarah Williams said...

Good for you on doing a blog! I think mine is to boring for anyone to make inappropriate comments on. Thats good I suppose. Now I can stay up to date on everything your doing!

S and B H. said...

I will be following in your footsteps! Way to take prompt action!!

rachelstewartpm said...

That really stinks that people put you in a postion where you had to go private. Glad I can still view though. I clicked yesterday and wasn't able to view but was able to today!! :)

Shelley Goodman said...

Bummer! I wondered whose comments those were. Weird how they picked your blog, you havent even had it that long.

Jenn Toon said...

Isn't that the truth! Thanks for the invite! I enjoy reading about you and your family!!

Brandis said...

I hate when people do stuff like that. I have debated going private but decided I'd rather moderate the comments and I never put our last name on it or say exactly where we live. At some point I'll probably go private too though. Good for you. :) I love your new header, by the way. :)

Kristen said...

I wondered why you did that, Brandis? That's a good idea - maybe if I don't like being private (if no one leaves me comments anymore :) then I will go that route

SunGood said...

HEy! I am always so behind on your blog! Love all the updates! Good call to go private..people are so lame, that same thing happened to my sis! You know my email address though, so be sure to add me to the list! :)

Stephanie said...

Hey Kristen! Glad to see you went un-private for a little bit so I could say hi :) I think it was the day after you posted on my blog, I went to post on yours and you were already private...then Steph told me what happened. Sad what the world is comming to!!! Anyway, I'd love to be able to read your blog. It's fun catching up on everyone. My email is
It was fun seeing all the pics. See ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey I just found your blog on Tara Mabry's- and saw you are going private- so here is my email address: and email me your email address so I can add you to mine. It is private too :)