Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Man, church ball is BRUTAL these days!

Here is how Jess came home from bball tonight! Poor guy, his nose is probably broken :( He was late coming home and I thought he was bringing me ice cream. But, he says, we are in the championship game now. Woo Hoo! It's on Vday by the way....As always, fun times!


Shelley Goodman said...

I heard a rumor and I knew how to find out if it was true. I figured you would have it posted by now. Poor guy, at least he is smiling!

rachelstewartpm said...

Kent told me that Jesse thought he wasn't going to get any sympathy, because he wasn't "suppose to go." See what happens when men don't listen to their wives? :) Glad to see he got some babying anyway. How's he feeling?

SunGood said...

K I am so behind on your blog! You are a blogging machine I love it! Poor Kennedy..the "gas mask" as we like to call it, is a regular for Sue over at our house! Poor thing I hope she feels better! Poor Jess! I did hear about that! My dad broke his nose playing basketball too years ago! I just hope they don't have to do to Jesse what they had to do to my dad! Not pleasant! I hope you guys have an awesome Vday and a great weekend!! :)

Breanna and Martin said...

Ew I have this weird thing about noses and knees getting broken. It makes me feel funny inside....so I won't enlarge those pics. How does Jess feel about being a star on your blog? hahaha that is awesome

S and B H. said...

Did you make an appt. with Dr. Hobgood? I really really hope he is NOT playing ball tomorrow night. Please no....for your sake and his!

Anonymous said...

Okay, church ball is no good! That totally stinks! It's all for the victory, huh? Cute pictures of your girls, makes me want to go make some sugar cookies, yummy!

Courtney said...

WHATEVER! Talk about roughing each other up! I hope he got a foul called on that at least! Hopefully they win tomorrow!

Mary Anne said...

OUCH! and the championship game on Valentine's Day...is that even allowed??? Seriously, there has to be a commandment about that somewhere. I'll look it up...

amy said...

That would be why Dane doesn't play church basketball anymore!